A Travellerspoint blog

Nearly there...

OK! So it is finally happening!!! After two years of talking and since we set up this blog we are well on our way to making plans.

We decided two weeks ago (31st Jan to be precise) and since then our house has been a flurry of activity. The office is fast becoming the Travel HQ - we've got a (very large) map of the world, lists upon lists of what is done/still to do on the walls and forms for visas/passports/drivers licence making a mess on the desk and I LOVE IT!!!

I'm saving all the details for after we've booked the tickets - also because I don't want to jinx anything. But in a nutshell I feel like I am constantly grinning like a Cheshire cat :)

Thanks Gavvy you are the best!


Posted by Gavness 02:46

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